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"Biogas upgrading is an integral part of the Paris Climate Accords"

Biomethane (RNG) is a gaseous fuel normally produced by upgrading (purifying) biogas from Renewable sources.
Biogas is the raw gas formed by anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge, food waste, manure , MSW & Landfill gas., and upgrading is simply AD industry jargon for “purifying” or “refining” it.

Since biomethane is chemically identical to natural gas, it can be used for the same applications as natural gas including green transport fuel.


Upgrading is essential for the production of high-value biomethane or RNG as a vehicle fuel or direct injection into a gas grid. 

Bus and truck fleets are increasingly adopting biomethane as their primary fuel. Additionally this gas can be further compressed into liquid and stored for use as LNG. 

Finally, with our fuel cell technology partners, we can also convert biogas to hydrogen.

Contact us today to establish if your facility or project could viably produce biomethane as RNG or LNG.


Aqua Technological Services Limited

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